Chicago: The Christmas celebration program “Lunch with Santa” organized by the Thirubala Sakhyam at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Chicago was a memorable one. A variety of programs were planned for the members of the Holy Childhood Ministry, the ministry for the youngest children in the parish, who had gathered to prepare for Christmas. The joy turned into a celebration when Santa Claus arrived among the children who were happily singing Christmas carols. Santa Claus spent time with the children by going to each child and saying hello, posing for photos with them, and telling them stories. The vicar, Fr. Siju told the children about the importance and history of Christmas celebrations. The celebrations were led by a committee headed by Thirubala Sakhyam coordinators Mintu Mannukunnel and Meena Punnasseril. Elma Poozhikunnel prepared the venue with beautiful decorations.