Celebrations of the Feast of the Mother of God begin in Houston.

Houston: The Feast of the Mother God will be celebrated from October 10th to 20th, 2024 at St. Mary’s Knanaya Catholic Church. All women under the auspices of the Women’s Ministry are the president of the feast.

On Thursday, October 10, at 6.30 pm, the Holy Flag Ceremony will be held to mark the beginning of the parish festival. There will be worship and rosary at 6 pm

On the main feast day, October 20, at 9.30 am Fr. Boban Vattampura will be the chief celebrant of the Thirunal Rasa and Fr. Johnson Neelanirapel will deliver the Thirunal message.

Then the celebration of Thirunal Pradikshina and Fr. Thomas Pralel will give the blessing of the Holy Eucharist.

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